Having trouble creating a table in your Google Slides? Don't worry, this tutorial is here to help! Even if you're a beginner, you'll learn how to easily insert and customize tables, including where to find basic settings like color and line styles. Just follow along as I click through the steps and you'll be a pro in no time.
Click here to access Google Slides.
Here are the step-by-step instructions:
1. Open a slide and click on Insert at the top.
2. Then, click Table. In the box that appears, draw the number of rows and columns you need to add a table to the slide.
3. After setting up the table, you can now start filling in content within the cells.
4. To resize the table, select the table border you want to adjust and drag it to your desired size
5. To change the background color of the entire table, select Fill color.
6. To change the color of the table borders, select Border color.
7. If you want to switch from solid lines to dashed lines, click Border dash to adjust the style.
8. To adjust the thickness of the table borders, select Border weight. The larger the number, the thicker the line.
9. If you want no borders on the table, select Transparent under Border color to remove the lines. (Or, if the border style is solid, you can set the border color to match the table’s background, making it appear invisible.)
10. To center the text in the table, first select the text, then choose Align, and select Center.
11. To change the font color, select Text color.
12. If you want to edit a specific line or the font within a single cell, select it individually rather than the entire table to apply changes.
Note: For all the above table or text styling options, make sure you've selected the target cells or text. If the options aren't showing, please double-check that your target is selected.